Monday, October 29, 2007

Health Junk, 14

Updates are apparently what this is all about. In fact, there are apparently some people reading this, and enjoying the ride of pain that is me trying to figure this out. Glad I can bring smiles to someone :-P (Please feel free to comment if you're enjoying this!)

Well, after still not hearing from the Pathologist Billing people, I called them back this morning. Huge update: Yes the code change had gone through! Hurrah! (Sure, they decided not to call me to let me know the good news, but... why keep the patient in the loop? (I had asked to be let know immediately, every time I called them!!!))

So, now the following things need to happen:

1) hear back from the insurance. Apparently this should take around 30-45 days.

2) Receive the new Explanation of Benefits from insurance. (Is this how I'll hear back? Who knows. Communication in any form with me hasn't exactly been top notch here.)

3) File an appeal of the way my claim was handled.

4) Crawl in a corner and expect them to deny it.

5) Find myself in a horrible hole of debt. Awesome.

I will now go and call all these other people that have sent me letters asking "Where's our money?" I don't blame them; the operation was ten months ago. How am I supposed to explain that it just now looks like my claims are going to be billed correctly? Especially when these bills are not from these people that want their money.


More later. Apparently in 30-45 days.


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