Dragonlance Chronicles Reading Order
I'm sure this has been done before, but I wanted to do it myself. Here's my chronological reading order for the events of the Dragonlance Chronicles. I've combined:
- Chronicles
- Dragons of Autumn Twilight (DoAT)
- Dragons of Winter Night (DoWN) and
- Dragons of Spring Dawning (DoSD)
- Lost Chronicles
- Dragons of the Dwarven Depths (DotDD)
- Dragons of the Highlord Skies (DotHS)
- Dragons of the Hourglass Mage (DotHM)
- The Story that Tasslehoff Promised He Would Never, Ever, Ever Tell (from War of the Lance, Tales II, Volume 3)
There may be other stories I've forgotten that I should probably add. I'm probably only interested in stories from Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Please let me know if there's something I should add (or if I've made a mistake in the order).
My rules were:
- Don't stop mid-chapter.
- If there is significant overlap in a part, read the original Chronicles version first. (I broke this rule a few times.)
Here's the order:
- All of DoAT.
- All of DotDD
- DotHS, from the start through Book 1, chapter 12.
- DoWN, from the start through Book 1, chapter 1.
- DotHS, Book 1, chapter 13, then Book 2, chapters 1-3
- DoWN, Book 1, chapters 2-5.
- DotHS, Book 2, chapters 4-5.
- DoWN, Book 1, chapter 6.
- DotHS, Book 2, chapter 6.
- DoWN, Book 1, chapter 7.
- DotHS, Book 2, chapter 7, then Book 3, chapters 1-3.
- DoWN, Book 1, chapter 8.
- DotHS, Book 3, chapters 4-8.
- DoWN, Book 1, chapters 9-12 (end of Book 1).
- DotHS, Book 3, chapters 9-16 (end of Book 3), then all of Book 4 to the end of DotHS.
- DoWN, all of Book 2.
- The Story That Tasslehoff Promised He Would Never, Ever, Ever Tell
- DoWN, from the start of Book 3 to the end of DoWN.
- DoSD, from the start through Book 1, chapter 6.
- DotHM, from the start through Book 1, chapter 1.
- DoSD, Book 1, chapters 7-9 (end of Book 1).
- DotHM, Book 1, chapters 2-4, then all of Book 2 (chapters 1-13).
- DoSD, all of Book 2.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapters 1-2.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapters 1-2.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapters 3-10.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapters 3-4.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapters 11-12.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapter 5.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapter 13.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapter 6.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapter 14.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapters 7-8.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapter 15.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapter 9.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapters 16-18.
- DoSD, Book 3, chapter 10-12.
- DotHM, Book 3, chapter 19 (end of DotHM).
- DoSD, Book 3, from chapter 13 to the end of DoSD.