Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Update: Went to the Big House... and stuff

Hello monkeys,

I had a great weekend! I went to Ann Arbor, stayed with my awesome friend Jeff and his family, and went to the Michigan game on Saturday. Awesome. Awesome, awesome awesome! The Big House (Michigan Stadium) is simply something that excites the soul of a Michigan football fan.

Of course, the fact that they won 20-6 helped too;)

I'm working on my halloween stuff right now. Lots of people already know what I'm doing, but I'll wait to post pics here until I know what's going on.

I was working on a PSPACE-completeness proof for a game that naturally arises from Sperner Triangles. It seems that the game is not likely to be PSPACE-complete, but in P. Thus, I now must come up with a proof of this:)

Of course, this game would not nearly be as sexy. However, I think I can find a similar game which would be PSPACE-complete. Hot and sexy!

I should get back to work on this, though!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

sleepymonkeys is a real site. That's awesome. Blawesome even, perhaps, because it has cute pictures of dogs.

Why do I mention this? Because I just went there. I'm sleepy. It's 4:41am in the morning and I'm sleepy.

Luckily, I just realized that the assignment I am working on isn't due for an extra week. So I don't have to worry about finishing it now. That's awesome. I'll finish it on Sunday/Monday/sometime.

I'm back to working on a cool problem. I'm trying to figure out the complexity of the Sperner Game. The problem is that I don't have any background in this kind of junx. I've never reduced anything to P-SPACE completeness before, and that's what I'm shooting for here. Still, if it works, it should be something pretty dang sexy.

It's something I'd like to do on my own, but it appears that I'll have to extend out and search for other monkeys to finish this one up. Still... I'll work on it some more on my own and try to get it to work.

Yesterday (technically two days ago) I saw two lectures. One at MIT was by Professor Goemans, detailing his work on bounded-degree spanning trees. Unfortunately, I got lost at one slide that had a few too much notation for my sleepy and slow brain. I followed the explanation of lots of things. Matroids? Never seen 'em before, but it was clear what was going on. Then he defined the Linear Program, and I started to daze. Bad news. Dazing's been happening a lot to me lately... but... more on that later.

The second lecture was at Harvard, by Mike Sipser. He showed off this sexy letter from Goedel to von Neumann just a year before von Neumann passed away. The letter basically asks a question that would become part of the basis for the P vs NP question. The letter is very cool AND written in German. So, I found a copy on the InterWeb and printed it out today (yesterday). Hot. I can't read it all, but it's hot, and it's inspirational. I don't know why that is, but it's just clear that it is. Hot.

Yes, so I'm sleepy these days. I mean, I think I've been progressively getting worse sleep since I started that whole "adolescence" thing (more than two years ago, for those doubting monkeyfaces!:-P). I recall the first time my cousin Matt woke me up a bunch during the night to complain about my snoring. Ugh. That was annoying. Still, I hate people who snore. Those jerks! I'm trying to sleep!

Okay, yeah, so... I feel more sleepy, and I don't like it. Essentially I did a complete 180 on thinking about options to investigate my sleep apnea, within 1.5 years. The first time I heard that I might have to have some surgery I was like, "no way, sucker!" Now I'm far more interested. Slice open my throat! Drill through my nose! Just give me air:-P

So, yeah, I almost had to delay my appointment with the doctor for a month, due to the their office moving. Instead I'll have my appt at the end of this month (and not early december) at the cost of having to skip a class. I hate skipping class, but... well... I don't have a supreme number of options. It would be great to have any necessary surgery over winter break---just like when I had my wisdom teeth out.

This makes me want to tell the story of the happy drugs... but I won't.

In any case... am I doing work now? Yes. Just not CNS work. I'm shifting gears back to my Sperner Game stuff. Which is a bad idea because I can code late at night but not be creative. Afaik. Afair. Wtjka... not me:-P

I'm leaving around 6am or so. That's the plan.

Back to work!
