Friday, November 10, 2006

Second sleepless night

Hello monkeys!

I'm on my second sleepless night this week. I'm still pretty psyched about my project, but I need a few minute break, so I'm blogging like an idiotmonkey.

I might actually have had something to say, but all I can say is that Blogger annoys me. I thought I had this all figured out, but I apparently don't. Why does it take so dang long for the login screen to show changes when I'm logging in? Why does it force me to click on that little thing before I can sign in? It's completely in opposition with all the other nice Google stuff that throw my focus right in the text box I clearly want to use. Of course, it also means I have trouble logging on with my sidekick. Ugh.

I thought I had published my post from a few weeks ago, but it turns out it hadn't been actually posted, just drafted. I thought I would notice that, but apparently not. So... it's up there now. Up and sexy.

I had a lot of people ask me today when I would next be free on a weekend. Unfortunately, the answer for everyone of them was: "I don't know, but not until after the first weekend in December." Yeah. It sucks. Grrr.

So, why the first weekend in December? Well, that's when I submit this result. And between now and then I have an extra hojillion things to get done.

One of those things is the sister-side to my PSPACE-complete proof, which I must now get back to! Ciao, monkeys!:-P



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