Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sleep worked. Alarm Failed.

Okay, so the sleepscript worked last night, although the alarmscript failed. Here's my shell I/O:

[paithan@localhost ~]$ ./sleepscript1.sh
firefox: no process killed
object not accessible
call failed
amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
amaroK: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow
QMultiInputContext::changeInputMethod(): index=0, slave=xim
QMultiInputContext::changeInputMethod(): index=0, slave=xim
QMultiInputContext::changeInputMethod(): index=0, slave=xim
QMultiInputContext::changeInputMethod(): index=0, slave=xim
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameter(s) out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameter(s) out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameter(s) out of range
[paithan@localhost ~]$ at -f alarmscript1.sh 10:30am
warning: commands will be executed using (in order) a) $SHELL b) login shell c) /bin/sh
job 252 at 2006-02-14 10:30
[paithan@localhost ~]$ QMultiInputContext::changeInputMethod(): index=0, slave=xim

When I woke up, amaroK had died. I'm not sure when, but I assume that the alarmscript killed it when it ran in the morning.

I'm of the belief that the scripts don't like running when amaroK is already running. I'll give that a test right now, running the sleepscript.

Okay, on the first test, it failed and killed my running session of amaroK.

On the second, third and fourth tests it worked, but as soon as I quit the script, amaroK died. All three of these tests were run without a running version of amaroK. Also, it is worth noting that amaroK "randomly" chose the same song each time ("Souvenir" by Morphine). It seems to often pick this song when it's in trouble!

On the fifth test, after running amaroK first (but without loading a playlist or anything), the script works correctly. "Control-C"ing the script does not kill amaroK.

After that ctrl-c, I ran the script again. Again, it does fine. Ctrl-c does not kill it. A seventh run does the same. In these cases it is even picking different songs.

After getting the same result for a bunch more times (note that these yield the desired sexiness), I've decided I'll mess with the playlist a bit before I run the script again.

Clear the playlist: Seems to have no negative effects.

Replace with a different playlist: No effect.

Append a playlist: no problem.

Argh... I don't know what the problem was:(

Now I'll try to run alarmscript...

Nope... that killed amaroK! With amaroK dead, we try sleepscript again. Wow, we have the same problem as before: We get Morphine's Souvenir over and over, and "ctrl-c" kills amaroK again. On the fourth try, amaroK has died whilst opening. Thanks a bunch, amaroK, for having a big unremovable icon sit in the middle of the screen on each of my desktops. That is a huge help. Like, help the size of a grizzly bear. (As I found out, clicking on the icon makes it go away.)

amaroK: [Loader] amaroK is taking a long time to load! Perhaps something has gone wrong?

Thanks for the news, amaroK loader.

Further runs of sleepscript do the same thing. So, let's just see what happens with alarmscript.

Hmm, alarmscript starts amaroK and begins to play... yup... Morphine's "Souvenir". It's not even on the Awaken playlist. Looking at this, though, I see that the Awaken list appears directly after the Sleep list in amaroK's playlist. Sleep should not be there. Awaken should clear it off. A second call to alarmscript works. Strange.

Further calls to both scripts all seem to work fine. Gah... I'll worry about this later...:(

On another annoying note, my laptop cuts the sound just after each decrement of the sleepscript. Awesome.


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