Sunday, September 04, 2011

Two tough nights than an easy one!

Day is breaking on Sunday morning. It's been storming all night long, but I have been awake without problem. I nearly forgot about my 1am nap and felt like the 5am one was unnecessary. I'm glad I hit them both, but this has been the easiest night to stay awake by far.

The past few nights leading up to this were off-putting, however. On Thursday I had a doctor's appointment; I had to go WedThurs without any food or water and then had to drink a bunch of chalky white dye on Thursday morning so the machines could take good pictures. This dye has given me cramping and back pain ever since. On ThursFri, I could barely stay awake. I think my body kept trying to convince my brain to lead us over to the sofa to lie down and recover. It finally worked; I don't remember anything after 4:45, but at 7am I woke up and realized I needed to get in to work!

In the middle of Friday, the cramps came back, and I was feeling overly drowsy. I fell asleep in the evening for a few hours accidentally, then received some minimal prodding to get me to sleep the rest of the night. I woke up at 5:30 on Saturday morning. Oops.

I could barely sleep on Saturday (First week of college football!) but I managed to lie down for all my naps, and usually got ~5 or so minutes of sleep. I was not sure how the night would go.

And yet, somehow, SatSun went just fine. Better than expected, even. I got the most work done of any night so far.

Let's hope this continues through the day today!

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