Thursday, September 01, 2011

Trouble in Night 6

I am currently keeping myself awake the seventh night in this uberman attempt. By the morning, I'll have gone a full week without a "regular" sleep cycle. Awesome. I am still not as productive at night as I want to be. Staying awake is a bit more difficult if you know you're going to spend your time attacking a pile of work. Oh well.

Last night was really tricky, and I wanted to point out all the pitfalls I hit. Basically, I stayed up late to play some Magic, pushing my 9pm nap back to nearly 11:30pm. Oof! I made some terrible play mistakes at the very end that cost me dearly! Still, it was super fun to play, and it was nice to think that I had some real freedom in stretching out the cycles.

I realized I was deluding myself. Although these stretches are apparently possible later on, I wasn't quite at that point yet. I hit the hay for my 2am nap, but woke so confused that I almost went back to sleep. Luckily, I would have set the alarm again, but even more fortunately, my wife explained to me that I had already taken the nap; a second one was not a good idea. This is a real problem: rising from a nap so confused that I don't understand it is time to get up and try to get back to bed.

The trouble was not over, however. I was so tired, that I fell asleep sitting up in a chair. I recall looking at the clock around 2:40am and then remember jolting awake at 3:50. Oops! That's the longest I had slept in a long time!

Then things got worse. I somehow found my way back to the bed without an alarm set. I didn't wake up until Liv got me up, too late for me to watch the baby while she goes to her workout. Normally I am her alarm in the morning... oops! When I was awake, I was in a deep confusion and had a real hard time shedding my dream state. This is extremely frightening: when I try to defend or explain what I'm thinking, when I'm thinking about outlandish notions that were prevalent in the dream. I wish I knew how to better deal with this, but when in this midway mindset, you really don't want to lose your dream and are completely convinced that it has merit in reality. Yesterday morning I told Liv something about how I would have been better equipped to stay awake if I had friends willing to fold themselves into a short wall I could lean against. Something like that. Odd.

I'm not sure where I most went wrong, but I'm not planning on stretching out the cycles any more until I am much further into the schedule. We'll see how that goes.

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